Parc du Cinquantenaire / Jubelpark 11, 1000 Bruxelles-Ville / Brussel-Stad · Cinquantenaire, EST / OOST, Belgium

District level recommended in Brussels, Belgium

Automobile Collection

AutoWorld is a vintage car museum located in the southern hall of the Parc du Cinquantenaire.

It holds a large and varied collection of 350 oldtimers, European and American automobiles from the late 19th century until the seventies. Including Minervas, such models as the Bentley 1928, the Bugatti 1930 and the Cord 1930 and several limousines which belonged to the Belgian royal family.

Sight - Nr. 5 ranked on the 16 Best Sights in the district EST / OOST


Parc du Cinquantenaire / Jubelpark 11
1000 Bruxelles-Ville / Brussel-Stad · Cinquantenaire,
District: EST / OOST, Belgium

Tel: +32(0)2 736 41 65


AUTOWORLD BRUSSELS, Parc du Cinquantenaire / Jubelpark 11, 1000 Bruxelles-Ville / Brussel-Stad · Cinquantenaire, District: EST / OOST, Belgium

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