Art Nouveau


rue Paul-Émile Janson / Paul-Émile Jansonstraat 6, 1050 Ixelles / Elsene · Louise / Louiza Quarter, SUD / ZUID, Belgium

Local level recommended in Brussels, Belgium

Architectonic Building - Part of UWH

The Hotel Tassel is a town house built by Victor Horta in Brussels for the Belgian scientist and professor Emile Tassel in 1893-1894.

It is generally considered as the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its ground breaking use of materials and decoration.

Part of UNESCO World Heritage Site

Sight - Ranking nr. 14 Best Sights in the district SUD / ZUID


rue Paul-Émile Janson / Paul-Émile Jansonstraat 6
1050 Ixelles / Elsene · Louise / Louiza Quarter,
District: SUD / ZUID, Belgium


HÔTEL TASSEL, rue Paul-Émile Janson / Paul-Émile Jansonstraat 6, 1050 Ixelles / Elsene · Louise / Louiza Quarter, District: SUD / ZUID, Belgium

Selected interests in the location

15 Selected Restaurants

15 Selected Hotels

15 Selected Leisure