Route D75 | route des Falaises, 76550 Offranville · Hautot-sur-Mer, DIEPPE, France

District level recommended in Hautot-sur-Mer, France

Coastal Panorama

Dieppe is a good base from which to explore the Côte d'Albatre (the Alabaster Coast), which looks rather like the white cliffs along the south coast of England.

As the shoreline of the Côte d'Albâtre is eroding at a ferocious rate, it's conceivable that the small resorts here, tucked in among the cliffs at the ends of a succession of valleys, may not last more than another century or so.

Sight - Nr. 3 ranked on the 13 Best Sights in the district DIEPPE


Route D75 | route des Falaises
76550 Offranville · Hautot-sur-Mer,
District: DIEPPE, France

Tel: +33(0)2 35 84 24 55


CÔTE D'ALBÂTRE, Route D75 | route des Falaises, 76550 Offranville · Hautot-sur-Mer, District: DIEPPE, France

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