« Petite Ville de Charme »


rue du Marché, 67210 Obernai, SÉLESTAT, France

Province level recommended in Obernai, France

Charming Small Town

The Obernai region, which was the property of the dukes of Alsace in the 7th century, is the birthplace of St. Odile, daughter of the Duke, who would become the Patron Saint of Alsace.

The Obernai name first appears in 1240, when the village acquires the status of town under the tutelage of the Hohenstaufen family.

Sight - Nr. 2 ranked on the 10 Best Sights in the district SÉLESTAT


rue du Marché
67210 Obernai,
District: SÉLESTAT, France

Tel: +33(0)3 88 95 64 13


OBERNAI, rue du Marché, 67210 Obernai, District: SÉLESTAT, France

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