How to use the guide?
Getting started is easy.
Just type the location of your search in the top field, narrow it down by deselecting redundant categories below and hit the search button. If you even know the exact name of what you are looking for, this can be both the name of a location or of a business, you can enter this information in the second field (search by name).
Browsing your results becomes part of the pleasure.
Search results are presented in a very concise list and grouped according the 5 categories. The results in Sights, Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure are enumerated based on a system of ‘dots’ to represent the appreciation of a result. Although the presented information is rather brief, each result can be unfolded by clicking on the result or on the arrow on the right. More information can be consulted such as the contact details, a link to wikipedia or personal website etc.
Results are ranked according the appreciation of experts only, captured in dots.
These dots can range from 1 to 5 Red Dots. The exact meaning of these dots depends on the category. However, the general rule applies: the more dots, the higher the appreciation of the result. For more information on the exact meaning of the dots, please consult the legend at the top right corner of the result page. Obviously we don’t just throw a random opinion online. We have our own quotation algorithm whereby the values and ratings are created based on expert opinions only. This system guarantees that your choice matches your expectations. Of course, since appreciations may change over time, the ratings in the guide are yearly updated such that the guide remains up to date.
Stop losing time in searching, comparing and doubting and start matching your expectations from the very first second!
If you would have suggestions, questions or opinions, we would appreciate it if you mail them to us: