Petersplatz 6, 1010 Wien - Bermudadreieck, INNERE STADT, Austria

District level recommended in Vienna, Austria

Historic Religious Building

St. Peter's Church is a Baroque Roman Catholic parish church. It was transferred in 1970 by the Archbishop of Vienna Franz Cardinal König to the priests of the Opus Dei.

The construction of the new Baroque church was begun around 1701 under Gabriele Montani, who was replaced by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt in 1703. The design was inspired by the St. Peter's Basilica of the Vatican in Rome.

Sight - Nr. 21 ranked on the 83 Best Sights in the district INNERE STADT


Petersplatz 6
1010 Wien - Bermudadreieck,
District: INNERE STADT, Austria

Tel: +43(0)1 533 64 33


PETERSKIRCHE, Petersplatz 6, 1010 Wien - Bermudadreieck, District: INNERE STADT, Austria

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