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Vandevoordeweg 2, 9770 Kruisem · Kruishoutem, OUDENAARDE, Belgium

Local level recommended in Kruishoutem, Belgium

Fashion Collection

On the one hand this universal object leads a visitor of SONS through all ethnic cultures and peoples, from the first foot covered footsteps of humans till today.

On the other hand through the world of modern art, highlighted out of a surprising perspective. SONS is a place of direct confrontation, an amazing architecture in beautiful surroundings and two unique collections which make this project a happening with international allure.

Sight - Ranking nr. 8 Best Sights in the district OUDENAARDE


Vandevoordeweg 2
9770 Kruisem · Kruishoutem,
District: OUDENAARDE, Belgium

Tel: +32(0)9 277 90 80


SONS, Vandevoordeweg 2, 9770 Kruisem · Kruishoutem, District: OUDENAARDE, Belgium

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