Piazza della Bocca della Verità, 00186 Roma - Aventino / Mons Aventinus · Ripa, COLLI SUD, Italy

District level recommended in Rome, Italy

Ancient Roman Site

The Forum Boarium was the cattle forum venalium of Ancient Rome and the oldest forum that Rome possessed. The Forum Boarium was the site of the first gladiatorial contest at Rome which took place in 264 BC as part of aristocratic funerary ritual, a munus or funeral gift for the dead.

The site was also a religious center housing the Temple of Hercules Victor, the Temple of Portunus, and the massive 6th or 5th century BC Great Altar of Hercules.

Sight - Ranking nr. 13 Best Sights in the district COLLI SUD


Piazza della Bocca della Verità
00186 Roma - Aventino / Mons Aventinus · Ripa,
District: COLLI SUD, Italy


FORO BOARIO, Piazza della Bocca della Verità, 00186 Roma - Aventino / Mons Aventinus · Ripa, District: COLLI SUD, Italy

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