Boat Excursion


Huidenvettersplein 13, 8000 Brugge · Oud Stadscentrum, BRUGGE, Belgium

District level recommended in Brugge, Belgium

Historic City Centre

From the straight Dijver, it is also clear that the Reien are mainly canals, that have been dug for transport of water and goods in and out of the city. The canals were connected to the estuary of the Zwin into the see through a fairway.

During a boat trip on the canals of Bruges you are treated to some fantastic views of monuments and historical buildings.

Sight - Nr. 10 ranked on the 35 Best Sights in the district BRUGGE


Huidenvettersplein 13
8000 Brugge · Oud Stadscentrum,
District: BRUGGE, Belgium


BRUGSE REIEN, Huidenvettersplein 13, 8000 Brugge · Oud Stadscentrum, District: BRUGGE, Belgium

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